Friday, 30 June 2017

Sunday, 25 June 2017

Earth Day 2017 Austria

We celebrated Earth Day 2017 by creating various products made of plastic and discussing its impact on our earth.

Students found out what plastic is made of exactly and how it is produced. They discussed environmental problems caused by plastic and dangers resulting from it. We found out how we can deal with it and how much we actually produce. Finally, we talked about recycling options.

Can we make art with plastic? Yes, we can!




Bags made from resealable coffee bags:

Wallets made from milk cartons:

How is plastic created:

Sunday, 11 June 2017

Teachers' meeting in Poland

Between 12 and 16th of January the Polish school Splot held the second to last teachers' meeting. The main topic we worked on was creativity.
The first part of the meeting was devoted to the lecture and workshops prepared by Phd Michal Jasienski, the professor from the National Louis University in Nowy Sącz who told us a lot about stimulating the creativity both among teenagers and teachers. The second part was conducted by two teachers from Splot Anna Jarmolinska and Agata Kita, the coordinates of Public Achievement groups. It was decided that the students would work on the topic of xenophobia during their meeting in March in Nowy Sacz. The method used during the workshops would be taught and previously introduced  by polish teacher would be PA. We all discovered its benefits connected with practising openess, ability to have a speach in front of a whole school, being able to present your own ideas as well as creating logo and name for the group.
We spent a lot of time both preparing  tasks for students and trying to work on the final report. The work was evenly divided between the coordinates from all seven countries.
During the meeting teachers had a chance to meet the polish culture and tradition, had a wonderful time by the open fire and lots of exciting moments during the sleigh ride at night. We tried our creativity in the escape room and decided to have the same task for our students in March. Let's check who is better? :)


Monday, 5 June 2017

On the 1st of June the school from Nowy Sacz celebrated the Earth Day The delay was due to the tough exam time and a longer spring break. During the day we had a great chance to listen to three lectures - one of them was Mr. J. Kukielka, PhD who told us the history of plastic and the benefits and drawbacks connected with using plastic, two other lecturers were our students from the high school, Mr. Maslanka and Mr, Dorula. They explained the recycling policy of different countries.
The second part of the day was a picnic and making baskets from the plastic bags. The final part was dancing together and playing a soccer match.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Erasmus+ Students Meeting Vienna (Nov 27th– Dec 2nd 2016)

Sunday November 27th 2016

Finally, the big day - Sunday - was here. We were all waiting for the arrival of our guests. The excitement was almost unbearable. Who will come? What will they look like? Will they be nice people? All those questions went through our heads until finally, with a little bit of delay, our guests from Sweden, Denmark, Spain, Poland, Slovenia and Italy entered the room.
The group split up and we welcomed them nervously in English. But since they were really exhausted from their journey, we couldn't talk too much with them and decided to continue the next day.

Monday November 28th 2016

Photo by Philip Lamble
After having breakfast we went to school. At school we met all the other students and talked a lot. There were many interesting topics to discuss. Hearing what going to school is like in other countries was very interesting. Also our programme was exciting. In the beginning we introduced ourselves and spoke about our home countries. Afterwards we continued working in smaller groups.

 Tuesday November 29th 2016

On Tuesday, one of our most busy days, we started with a little quiz by our Finnish students and we all had the chance to win delicious Finnish sweets. After working with our pre-tasks for a little while we were joined by the teachers Mr. Stangl and Mr. Wolf who taught us a song containing all the languages we speak. Straight after the lunch break we headed for the UN-Headquarters where we had a tour and learnt many interesting facts about the work of the United Nations. Shortly after, it was already time for dinner so we all chose from our favourite fast food at Schwedenplatz to gain some energy for a walk through the Schönbrunn zoo. There we were able to observe animals such as lions, penguins, wolves and many more with the aid of night vision binoculars. We were guided by two very friendly members of the zoo staff who gave us a lot of information and answered all our questions concerning both the zoo and the animals.

Photo by Philip Lamble
Photo by Erika Carena

 Wednesday November 30th 2016

Photo by Erika Carena
On Wednesday it was our Italian students’ turn to do the warm-up. Afterwards we started working on the topic “National diversity, cultural stereotypes, where am I from?”. This program was managed by the teachers of the Danish and Italian schools. It was about prejudice and how to deal with it as well as about the situation in our countries. We also talked about how we see our country and what we know about other countries. After this we performed the song that we had rehearsed the day before, in which we included all the languages of our visitors. We had a short lunch break, followed by a program organized by the Slovenian and Polish teachers. It was about everyone’s individual personality. In small groups we talked about our everyday-life and how we are doing. Then we practiced our flash mob with music and dance and spent the rest of the day with our families to get to know our guests better.

Photo by Philip Lamble

Thursday December 1st 2016

Photo by Erika Carena
On Thursday the students from Poland and Slovenia started our day with a warm-up activity. Afterwards we had a well-prepared programme on the topics “personal identity” and “cultural diversity”. In small groups we brainstormed ideas for different terms connected to these topics. In our groups we had the chance to exchange lots of ideas and discuss them intensely. Later we wrote short poems and shared them in class. 
After lunch we went to „Dialogue in the Dark“. We were split up into smaller groups again and everyone was provided with a white stick. And then our tour in pitch black darkness started. Without seeing anything, we had to overcome a couple of obstacles and master everyday situations. It was very interesting to experience what it must feel like being blind, and it was astonishing to find out what blind people manage to do every day without any help from somebody else.
After our tour we went back home and spent the rest of the evening with our guests. 


Photo by Erika Carena

Friday December 2nd 2016

Photo by Philip Lamble
On Friday the students from Denmark organised a warm-up activity. We were split up into smaller groups and then performed little scenes of things that annoy us a lot during our everyday life. In the morning we watched videos about patriotism and worked on this topic in more depth. We also analysed the cultural differences between „man“ and „woman“ in our different countries. Afterwards we performed our flash mob for all the other students at our school. Then we had the afternoon off, so we could decide what to do with our guests here in Vienna. Some took a ride on the Riesenrad (a tall Ferris wheel), for example, and others stayed at home to bake cookies together with their host family. Later in the afternoon we again met in school to go to a bowling alley together. After this fun evening, unfortunately, we had to say good-bye to each other. Even though we were sad and shed some tears, we were also grateful that we were given the opportunity to participate in this project and to be part of this great experience.


Photo by Erika Carena

Erasmus + in Nowy Sącz

The students and teachers from all over Europe arrived to a beautiful town in southern Poland on 5th March 2017. After traditional greeting with bread and salt, students participated in workshop. This time we took a sirius and complex subject of xenophobia. The students were supposed to invent an action that could prevent xenophobia from growing. After the workshops we could participate in town game. Getting to know the new place in the creative and fun way.
Tuesday has started early in the morning  with workshops. We worked more on our projects. After hard work, students could rest during bowling or Escape room activations.
Art hit as hard on Wednesday. The project participants watched a play, prepared and performed by SPLOT students. After that they continued to work on their projects. At the end of a day, full of art and work. Students once again could rest while bowling or taking part in escape room activity. After that all of us watched a film. What a nice way to finish a day.
On Thursday, all foreign guests went on trip to Krakow. They visited old town and Schindler's museum. The city of Krakow is a beautiful place to spend a day.
On Friday, all groups finished they projects and presented them. All of them were creative and well done. Unfortunately, danish group was leaving earlier, but the rest could spend last day in Poland, having fun.